Are you on the quest to better yourself?
Do you have annoying symptoms like heartburn, acne, chronic constipation or poor sleep and your dr. just gives you another prescription for?
Have you been ‘dieting’ most of your life and jumping from one coach to the next with little results?
Have you ever worked with someone that truly assessed your health history? To determine where exactly your challenges stem from?
Do you know if your digestive challenges stem from the liver/gallbladder, low stomach acid levels, dysbiosis, large/small intestine issue or the colon?
If you have signed up to work with a coach, and they never deep dived into what exactly is going on internally with your health. Then lasting results can be hard to sustain. Which is why you might be frustrated with your health right now.
Three reasons why you should you avoid a coach who doesn’t assess your health first:
- Your plan may not be specific for you! – If you struggle with specific challenges like leaky gut, acne, chronic bloating, constipation or poor sleep. You have hormonal imbalances like Insulin Resistance or Estrogen Dominance. Or your stress levels are through the roof, without being addressed. No plan will get you the ultimate results you’re looking for. Or you may end up feeling worse in the process and gain everything back shortly after. This is because the ROOT of your challenges was never addressed or worked on.
- Value – You can spend endless amounts of money jumping from one quick fix fad diet or online coach promising amazing results in 12 weeks to the next. But year after year, how much time and money have you wasted and still not where you want to be? Sit down with a certified professional and dive into what’s really going on with your body. From digestion, thyroid function, hormonal imbalances to drainage pathways and so much more! Get personalize assistance so you can stop dieting, heal your body, and build habits along the way so you can maintain your results long term.
- Results may not be great – When your program is the same as everyone else, results can be challenging to sustain long term. You may also end up feeling worse in the long run (more tired, still bloated, constipated, ect.). Take an aerobics class of 20 people for example. 10 may get results, 5 people won’t change and 5 may even get worse. This is because the program you’re doing is too general and not specific enough to your needs, challenges or lifestyle.
At B Elite, we dive deep into the following 5 areas so we can create a personalized plan for you.
- Your top 3 Hormonal Imbalances that are affecting your health and fat loss.
- Assess digestion, bowel movements and detoxification pathways.
- Memory, Mood and Stress Assessment – See which Neurotransmitters are deficient.
- Metabolism Test – Shows how well your Thyroid may be functioning.
- Primal Pattern Questionnaire – Determines if you do better with more carbs or fats in your diet to achieve fat loss.