Anything that makes the body work harder is a form of stress, and, as a result, the body will slow down digestion, and slow down the thyroid resulting in stored fat. Using our Stress – Reduced Fat Loss ™️ system, we work with our clients to balance cortisol, through the proper supplementation, lifestyle habits, training, and nutrition protocols.
Over the past 20 years, we’ve transformed thousands of clients by focusing on the 5 factors to sustainable fat loss.
Every single client that has come to us has felt STUCK & FRUSTRATED. How were we able to help people, when every other trainer, workout plan, and diet seemed to get them nowhere?


- Sleep
- Fat loss
- Skin
- Organs
- Brain
What are the 5 Factors for Sustainable Fat Loss™ ?
Not addressing any one of these factors can leave you stuck, frustrated, & defeated after months, or even years of “trying everything”.
- Have you been struggling with stubborn fat, regardless how many diets you try, or how much you exercise?
- Do you experience painful bloating after everything you eat?
- Are your energy levels low, do you wake up with brain fog, or experience that afternoon crash?
- Does your digestive system seem to struggle, and constipation or diarrhea is a consistent part of your life?
- Do you experience intense snacky cravings, especially at night?
- Does your skin cycle through acne breakouts, eczema, rosacea, or extreme dryness?
- Do you generally feel sluggish and just “unwell”?
- Have you been to trainers, nutritionists, and tried a bunch of online programs, but you STILL FEEL STUCK?
These are all symptoms of irregular hormones, poor digestion, an unhealthy gut, overworked organs, and imbalanced neurotransmitters.
In fact, 99.9% of clients that come to us are UNDEREATING, and we have to coach them to eat more throughout the day.
The Stress – Reduced Fat Loss ™ system works by first looking at your internal health, and addressing the 5 FACTORS FOR FAT LOSS. With our virtual 5 Step Assessment we are able to determine your top 3 dysfunctional hormones.
For example, if you struggle with stubborn belly fat, this is a sign of high cortisol, the stress hormone. Chronically elevated stress can come from both external and internal factors, such as:
- Surgeries
- Injuries
- Unfiltered Tap Water
- Chemicals in foods or cosmetics
- Running on a lot of coffee and caffeine
- Consistently under-eating
- Poor sleep
- Over-training or long-duration cardio workouts (marathons, cycling, etc.)
- and of course, Stress

This client was in relatively good shape, but she FELT HORRIBLE.
She had ulcerative colitis. She would experience pain and severe bloating after eating most foods.
She experienced constipation and blood in her stool, and always felt tired and weak.
After working with doctors and having no real change (they typically recommend medication), she felt frustrated and stuck.
First, we did her 5 STEP ASSESSMENT.
As a results of our findings, here are some changes we have made so far:
- We cycled between days with proteins + fats and days with protein + carbs. The carb days where scheduled for her more intense training days.
- We gave her one day of little-to-no animal protein. This let her digestive system rest and recover, allowed for better bowel movements, and gave her gall bladder a rest. We also gave her specific smoothies to lower inflammation in her colon.
- Supplement protocol:
- Digestive Enzyme + Multi; helped her digest food better, which helped reduce bloating
- Zinc; Aids in digestion (amongst a ton of other benefits)
- Magnesium; lowers cortisol, helps bowels, and improves sleep
- Fish Oil; Lowers inflammation in the colon
- Vitamin D3; Improves energy, immune system, and mood
This is the tip of the iceberg, but all this together allowed her body to function better and heal. She had a leaky gut, which made it difficult to absorb nutrients from food, which contributed to feeling so tired.
This is only 7 weeks in. We will continue to manipulate food to increase her energy and healing. Plus, our gut healing phase starts at week 8, so we will only be getting better from here!
And, while she didn’t come to us primarily for weight loss, as her body started healing, her waist got leaner. As the body heals, it will ALWAYS look better. This is Stress-Reduced Fat Loss ™.
Have you been struggling with bloating, digestive issues, or stubborn fat? Email us directly:

This client came to us feeling stuck.
She was vegan, constipated, and BLOATED. She couldn’t get her midsection leaner or flatter.
First, we did her 5 STEP ASSESSMENT; we then took the data and created a success plan.
She had trouble staying asleep. We incorporated journaling before bed to calm her mind, and had her turn devices OFF. We also created a supplement protocol that included Magnesium, Inositol, and 5 HTP. This combination raised her serotonin so she could sleep through the night. - DIGESTION:
She was eating the Furious 5 when she came to us (dairy, sugar, soy, gluten, corn). She was also eating very processed vegan treats and desserts. We removed these, and her digestion and bowels improved. - GUT HEALTH:
She could not complete the stomach acid test because she is vegan, so we gave her a plant enzyme. We went after yeast and mold instead, and this improved her bowels right away. Her waist went WAY down, and she no longer experiences bloating.
If you struggle with painful bloating, this is a clear sign that your digestive system may not be working well, your liver may be sluggish, and you most likely have little to no stomach acid to break down the foods you eat. We assess our clients stomach acid levels, and determine what is happening with the digestive system. Once our clients are able to properly digest their food, their body can then utilize the nutrients, toxins are properly eliminated from the body, and the magic begins to happen.
5 beginners upper body bodyweight exercises
An excellent all-round exercise, planks will boost your arm, back, chest, shoulder and upper body strength whilst also targeting your core and glutes. Check out more variations of planks here:
- Lie on a mat with your forearms on the floor just under each shoulder and feet hip-width apart
- With your toes on the floor, lift up so your bodyweight is balanced on your forearms and toes
- Focus on keeping your core engaged and your shoulder blades relaxed
- Hold for as long as you can, working on increasing the time as you get stronger

Inflammatory/Processed foods:. Wheat, Dairy, Corn, Soy, Sugar
Poor sleep timing/quality: going to bed extremely late whether he wanted to or not.
Missing meals and under eating

- Eating inflammatory foods
- feeling constipated
- having loose stools
- struggling to eat all the food
- enjoying some meals more than others
- changing the plan 28 times
- sleeping great
- not sleeping at all
- stressful times
- unmotivated