August 24, 2022
By some estimates, more than 80% of North Americans are deficient in magnesium.
We know magnesium to be important mainly for heart health. The truth is magnesium is necessary for over 300 biochemical reactions in your body. Any deficiency in magnesium will affect these functions from taking place effectively.
Only 1% of magnesium is distributed in the blood stream while majority of it is stored in bones and organs. This is why your regular blood test may not show a deficiency in magnesium.
Magnesium gets depleted for a number of reasons including stress, use of medications, alcohol consumption, poor nutrition habits, excessive intake of carbohydrates, etc.
Here are the top reasons why you need to supplement with magnesium.
Reduce stress hormone and sleep deeper at night – Magnesium is known to relax the nervous system, slow down your heart rate and induce deeper sleep. Lack of magnesium can cause insomnia or frequently waking up during the night.
Reduce inflammation – Chronic inflammation can trigger cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, skin and digestive issues. Research has shown that people supplementing with adequate amounts of magnesium had lower inflammation than those who don’t.
Regulate blood sugar – Low levels of magnesium causes insulin resistance. This results in carbohydrates getting stored as fat rather than being used for energy. Diabetes and high body fat are linked to insulin resistance. The more insulin resistant you are, harder it is to get your waist leaner.
Prevent osteoporosis – With low levels of magnesium, your body can’t absorb calcium to maintain strong teeth and bones. Ideally, supplement with calcium and magnesium in equal parts along with Vitamin D.
Improve moods and brain function – Some common issues associated with low levels of magnesium are brain fog, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, agitated behavior, etc.
Avoid difficult symptoms during period or menopause – Common symptoms women complain about during their period or menopause, such as painful cramps, bloating, irritability, brain fog, hot flashes and migraines are easily reduced/eliminated by supplementing with magnesium. Combine it with a good quality Vitamin E supplement for better results.
Avoid muscle cramps – Muscle cramps, random aches and pains are often a sign of magnesium deficiency. Left hamstring cramps in particular are linked to magnesium deficiency while right hamstring cramps indicate potassium deficiency. Taking a good electrolyte mix or increasing your intake of pink Himalayan salt along with magnesium supplements will prevent these cramps.
Reduce belly fat – High deposits of fat around the waist are links to chronic inflammation and high cortisol. Magnesium helps with both these issues and thus helps reduce belly fat.
Improve digestion – Magnesium, especially magnesium glycinate helps the muscles of the bowels relax and contract. People deficient in magnesium usually experience irregular bowel movements and constipation. This causes food to rot in the bowels and acts as food for bad bacteria and yeast. Not being able to eliminate regularly also causes toxins to get backed up in the body.