You habits can directly affect your:
- Physical & Mental Health
- Energy Levels
- Mindset, Mood & Happiness
- Ability to manage stress
- Can add to or prevent illness / disease
…and so much more.
Having healthy lifestyle habits isn’t just about eating nutritious foods.
It’s also about being physically active daily, managing stress levels, getting enough quality sleep, improving gut health and/or focusing on your mental health.
It can be super overwhelming to overhaul your entire life all at once but small habits stacked on top of each other along the way will breed the results you’re looking for long term. But you have to start somewhere!
My ask for you – Think of three non-negotiable things you would like to work on for next week!
Make sure the things you choose are SMART GOALS.
- Specific – What exactly will you do?
- Measurable – Do this thing for 7 days consistently
- Attainable – Is this something you realistically can and will do?
- Relevant – Does it help you get closer to your desired goal?
- Time-Bound – Plan what you want to do on Sunday nights for the week and aim to achieve set goals by Saturday each week.
Non-Negotiable things you can start to work on that will ultimately improve your health:
- Go to bed and wake up at the same time daily.
- Eat breakfast daily within 1 hour of waking.
- Ensuring you drink enough water daily.
- Be consistent with your supplement routine.
- Start journaling nightly before bed.
- Workout X amount of times.
- Reducing the amount of inflammatory food occurrences you have by 1 each week.
Your list of non-negotiables can be anything!
And we want to know what you’re going to work on next week. So, reply back to this email and let us know what your three non-negotiable things you will do or work on next week?