July 18, 2022
In my previous blog, I wrote about what causes Candida overgrowth and how it affects health and weight gain.
Today, I am going to give you an effective strategy to treat candida overgrowth and lose fat around the waist!
Depending on the extent of overgrowth, treatment can take anything from 8 – 12 weeks.
During this phase, we will eliminate foods that feed Candida for at least 14 days.
The most common foods to eliminate are:
Sugar, gluten-containing grains (wheat, barley, rye, spelt), dairy, soy, corn, nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, peppers), squash, beets and turnips, beans, lentils, chickpeas, alcohol, dyes and preservatives.
Some other foods to minimize – vinegar and pickled products, nuts especially cashews, goji berries, red meat, mayonnaise, coffee, chocolate.
For these 14 days, your diet should consist of moderate amounts of lean proteins (chicken, turkey, fish), high quantities of a variety of greens and minimal fats. If you are insulin-sensitive and/or are involved in intense training, you can use carbohydrates like quinoa and brown rice.
After 14 days, we can start fighting the overgrowth, while keeping the same nutrition guidelines as above.
I use the following supplements for the first 4 weeks with my clients:
St. Francis Echinaseal
HMF Genestra Candigen (vaginal suppositories for women)
AOR Saccaromyces Boullardi (capsules for men)
After this, replace the Echinaseal with Renew Life Candigone for another 4 weeks.